2. Cut cardboard in the shape of wings and put duct tape over it.
3. Tape wings onto the side of the base rocket(the bottle that is not cut).
4. Attach strings to the garbage bag and connect it to the end half bottle to use as a parachute.
5. Put clay in the nose of the half bottle to add weight.
6. Put cotton balls and newspaper on top of the clay to protect the egg.
7. Put a piece of duct tape on top of the newspaper to make sure it doesn't fall off when it detaches.
8. Add a piece of tape to the end of the parachute and to the bottom of the full bottle.
9. Put the parachute on top of the newspaper in the half cut bottle.
10. Put bottom of full bottle into the half bottle.
11. Fill the full bottle two-thirds of the way with water.
12. Put bottle rocket on the pump, pump to 75, and launch.
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